The Platform 10.1

The Platform 10.1
The Platform 10.1 - Pragmatic steps to moving Nigeria forward- How Understanding & Building the Right Institutions is Driving the Growth of Nations.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How do you raise one million naira cash in 2 weeks?

How do you raise one million naira cash in 2 weeks?

Meet a need!

Tshirts - If I provide a tshirt to someone who needs one and I get paid 500naira in profit for the sale of each tshirt, I have to provide 2000 tshirts to raise a million naira which comes to 1000 tshirts weekly on the average.

Automobiles - If I provide an autimobile to some who needs it and I get paid a minimum of 50000naira in commissions for the sale of each automobile, I have to provide 20 automobiles to raise a million naira which comes to 10 cars weekly.

Housing - If I provide a 3 bedroom flat to someone who needs it and I get paid 10% in commissions, I provide a 10million naira flat and get paid a million naira in commissions if I provide the house in 2 weeks.