The Platform 10.1

The Platform 10.1
The Platform 10.1 - Pragmatic steps to moving Nigeria forward- How Understanding & Building the Right Institutions is Driving the Growth of Nations.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How do you raise one million naira cash in 2 weeks?

How do you raise one million naira cash in 2 weeks?

Meet a need!

Tshirts - If I provide a tshirt to someone who needs one and I get paid 500naira in profit for the sale of each tshirt, I have to provide 2000 tshirts to raise a million naira which comes to 1000 tshirts weekly on the average.

Automobiles - If I provide an autimobile to some who needs it and I get paid a minimum of 50000naira in commissions for the sale of each automobile, I have to provide 20 automobiles to raise a million naira which comes to 10 cars weekly.

Housing - If I provide a 3 bedroom flat to someone who needs it and I get paid 10% in commissions, I provide a 10million naira flat and get paid a million naira in commissions if I provide the house in 2 weeks.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Wisdom In Relationships.

Thinking! Thinking!! Thinking!!!


It seems all those I know that have been able to build successful organizations and successful relationships are people with excellent people skills. I think also, that relationships are very important in the success of any venture. The relationship between two friends is not exactly different from that of a parent and a child neither is it exactly different from that of two spouses.


I took a course in Basic Leadership at the Daystar Leadership Academy a few years ago and I remember one of the facilitators saying that "People will not remember what exactly you said, but they will remember how exactly you made them feel. If this is true, then it is very important that we are concerned about how the other party is going to feel from hearing the words we speak as those words might not be remembered for long but the feelings will linger for a long time.


I was hanging out with a few friends over the weekend, a luxury I decreasingly can afford these days and a discussion sprung up; one of my friends talked about another friend of ours that was not present at the time and was visibly angry because the guy had a certain weakness. I immediately countered his utterance and told him as long as this guy is our friend, we should all learn to accept him the way he is regardless of the weakness. He asked if it was wrong to want a friend to change and be corrected if that friend was wrong and I answered, "Absolutely not!" It is the way you go about it that matters.


You can go about it in two ways, one that elevates and lifts up the personality of the individual or another way that puts him down. I could have chosen to affirm his accusation and talk about the guy's weakness of which if this person found out would feel kind of betrayed by his friends but I stood up in his defense. Eventually, everyone seemed to agree that it is absolutely necessary we learn to stand up for each other at all times whenever the opportunity shows up.


Another relationship scenario is one between two spouses. Let us say it is that time of the year to take a trip on a vacation; the husband would like to travel to Kenya to experience the wildlife but the wife would like to France instead because of the romantic ambiance of the country.


The husband says, "I'm the head of this home so we do exactly what I say, "WE ARE GOING TO KENYA, AND THAT'S IT!" His wife is sad because of the way her husband made her feel. A wise husband can make his wife feel wonderful and at the same time get exactly what he wants. "My sweetheart, you want us to go to France, okay let's start getting ready for the trip." As they prepare, he's giving her all the attention she needs, takes her out to her favorite hang-out spots, buys her favorite perfume, helps her with some laundry and household chores, touches her and makes her feel like the treasure that she is.


She feels so wonderfully loved and like the most blessed woman on earth and then he asks her lovingly, "Sweetheart, I really love you and I always want you to be happy; that's why I have chosen to go with you to France but I would have loved to go to Kenya and have my beautiful wife with me as that experience will not be complete without you."


At this point in time, if the wife's love tank is so full she will most likely be the one to tell her husband that they should change their travel plans and go to Kenya instead.


This will definitely be a WIN-WIN situation for this family.


It is even better if it is the wife that has chosen to apply such kind of wisdom as she will literarily have her husband in the palm of her hands as men are insecure and egoistic and she’ll be making him feel secure and also will be feeding his ego.


Our words either lift people up or put them down. Let us learn to speak the words that lift others up. Remember, long after you speak those words the words might be forgotten but the feelings will stay. That is why we feel wonderful thinking about certain people and we seem to cringe if we think of others.


Just My Thoughts, Not a Rule!


Keep living in wisdom.


I Believe In You!

Thursday, June 4, 2009


"Bootstrapping or booting refers to a group of metaphors that share a common meaning, a self-sustaining process that proceeds without external help." "Bootstrapping in business is to start a business without external help/capital. Startups that bootstrap their business fund development of their company through internal cash flow and are cautious with their expenses." -- (wikipedia) When God created man, he started with one man Adam and gave them a command to be fruitful and to multiply. The world as we see it today with billions of people started with just one man, Adam; so tell me who is the king of bootstrapping? If you want to start a business and you require let's say N10m(Ten Million Naira) and the cash you have is N10,000(Ten Thousand Naira), I dare say that is all you need. Why? Just follow me and the picture will get clearer. "He that is faithful in little is faithful in much" the scripture does not say he that is faithful in little will be faithful but God makes us understand that the man faithful in little is already, present tense, faithful in much. When God blessed Abraham, he spoke Words to him. When He blessed Solomon, Words were spoken. God still blesses people very much in the same way today by Words. It doesn't matter where you are, whether you are an employee or you are already a well seasoned business owner, God wants to see you at the very top of your game. If you are an employee, you can bootstrap your way to the top of your organization. Work when at work, start before everyone else and stay later than everyone else, when every other employee is complaining, keep quiet and if you'd talk choose to emphasize the bright side, go the extra mile; this is also bootstrapping. If you can do all these now tell me, when it's time for your boss to give an opportunity to rise in the company's leadership who will be called upon, the complaining staffer or the bootstrapping staffer? Start today from where you are and you'll get to where you want to be; bootstrap your way to your destination. Don't be afraid of making mistakes or failing. If you do make a mistake or fail along the way, WHAT THE HELL? Get up and do it again. If you fail again, keep doing it again until you get it right. It doesn't matter how many times you tried or how many times you failed at it, what matters is THE ONE TIME YOU GET IT RIGHT! I believe in you. We Are The Present -- We Are The Future.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

New Clothing Business.

We go to a client's office today to deliver a 2 piece suit. The afternoon sun done its own thing and I arrived very thirsty and in need of some real ice-cold water. Well, I was in luck and I had it served from the refrigerator. Our client goes into an inner room to try out the fit of the suit and all of a sudden, it hits me. 

The last time I was there, he had requested for some blank t-shirts to churn out some designs and prior to that, I had also been thinking of putting some of my crazy ideas in print via t-shirts. So I say "Guy, come make we talk business" in pidgin english and he replied in the affirmative.

I was thinking we could partner on this t-shirt business you had in mind and so we had the "yada yada" and "VOILA!"


The King, The Queen And The Butler.