The Platform 10.1

The Platform 10.1
The Platform 10.1 - Pragmatic steps to moving Nigeria forward- How Understanding & Building the Right Institutions is Driving the Growth of Nations.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Native Laws vs God's Word

There is a saying in Yoruba which goes thus, "E je ka se bi won tin se
ko ba le ri bo tin ri." meaning "Let us do things the way people have
always done them so we can have the same results people have always

Traditional weddings, naming ceremonies, rites of passage, herbal
baths, use of native herbs etc

How do these ceremonies apply to the Word of God?

For instance, in a typical traditional wedding ceremony, we might want
to look beyond the pomp, pageantry and celebrations to the underlying
conditions attached to such a ceremony.
A man and woman that have been joined together under native law and
custom are expected to have children. If for some reason, a child
isn't forth coming, the couple might be encouraged to perform certain
rituals and use certain herbs in other for them to have a child. Also,
there might be a provision for parents and/or family of the groom to
encourage him to have a child with another woman. On the other hand
God makes all things beautiful in His time and admonishes ONE MAN, ONE
WIFE and decries anything that has to do with a man having any other
woman apart from his wife.

I am not trying to eradicate native laws and customs but rather want
us to think deeply about what we truly believe, not because of status
quo or what we've always known to do but rather how these things apply
to us through the Word of God.

Football and basketball are both ball games but are played with
different sets of laws. You play football primarily with your feet and
if your hand touches the ball, you'll be penalised. Basketball on the
other hand is primarily played with hands and not the feet.

God gave the Israelites the law through Moses and not anyone could
fulfill each and every bit of the law. For the law said if one
transgresses in one of the laws, one has transgressed in all. In other
words, the law was ineffective as it could NOT keep the Israelites
from sinning.

God had a second and better plan. Jesus Christ came and died for the
sins of the world and established a new law of the spirit based on
God's word.

Therefore, I can boldly and confidently say that its either one lives
wholly by native laws and customs or wholly by the law of the Spirit
based on the Word of God concerning every ceremony that takes place in
one's life.

Weddings based solely on God's Word, child naming and dedication
solely based on God's word and every other ceremony based on the Word
of God ONLY.

Its time Christians rise up and stand firm in what they believe; GOD'S WORD.

2 Corinthians 10:3-6
For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for
pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing
that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every
thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to
punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.